Puppies of the Caucasian Ovcharka from Russia

The kennel "Mohnatyj Strazh" has been registered in RKF in 2008, but actually, breeding activity has begun with acquisition in 2005 of the Female Caucasian Ovcharka - Rus Katana Zhelana. Since 2010 in kennel there was a second breed - Keeshond. In the activity we try to receive healthy Caucasian Ovcharka, with good mentality, working and exhibition qualities. All our dogs necessarily are engaged in group at "the General course of training" (Obedience). Time not always suffices to pass all course , but on distance we master the general commands of obedience and also a complex of exercises necessarily. Also our dogs pass a course "Guard duty" and have corresponding diplomas. We take part in exhibitions not only in pedigree rings, but also in "competition of suits", and with my son of a dog participate and in competition "Junior Handler".

Price: $1100
Gender: male
Age: 639 Weeks , 0 Days
Color/Markings: not specified
Champion Bloodlines: Yes
Champion Sired: Yes
Date Available: June 30, 2013
Owner: Irina
Location: Russia, Voronezh, RI
Website: http://m-strazh.ru
Breed: Caucasian Ovtcharka
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