Alano Espanol Q&A

Are there ant breeders of the alano in the United States? If so, where can they be located?

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Answers (7)

i've heard that there is a breeder in new hampshire but that he is not commercial. apparently he has very good contact with the spanish breeders since he spends a lot of time there. kennel name is Potstillgold. good luck

yes this is true. this man has fantastic, rustic alanos. all his dogs he has had since pups and they are excellent blood. he is mostly focused on the hunting aspect but has also preserved a cattle dog type too. he keeps some stock in Europe but has 6 Alanos in US i don't think he'll sell any dogs that won't have a working home. good luck anyway.

This is very good news because there are too few breeders with integrity today. In Spain and other European countries there are many people who have jumped on the bandwagon with much more commercial motive. Lots of very mediocre Alanos described as 'best this' or 'best that'. Anyone thinking of getting an Alano needs to do research. The good breeders don't advertise on the internet classifieds or breeder pages. Good breeders dogs are bought up by other good breeders in the network so expect to build a relationship with a breeder to get a good dog. Be very critical of breeders who have adverts on internet. This breed deserves great respect.

Potstillgold is the ONLY USA breeder of true pedigree alano espanol....PERIOD. he has direct connections with Spanish Alanos de las Tinieblas - also the ONLY true collection of alanos on the planet. SWAT DOGS ......NO. THey were supplied - regretfully - a dog. And have mixed it with anything that they can. Have admitted to their alanos now being presario mix. Potstillgold has almost one goal - only. Keep the breed pure thru rigorous pedigree. If you think you have an alano....dna will prove it. I just cleared a 4 year wait for my dog. If youre interested and can meet the terms and conditions from Potstillgold then you can get in line. He lives in NH and will come to you and see if you are a good match. This is a serious dog and potstillgold is extremely serious when it comes to placing a dog with an owners to placement.

I got my Alano from Potstillgold and couldn't be happier with her. The breeder is very good and I have maintained contact with them since I've gotten her sharing pictures with them and updating them on her progress as she grows. She is being trained as a service dog and is coming along very nicely. I wouldn't recommend any other breeder. They are very friendly and love their dogs/animals. Definitely not a puppy mill. With Potstillgold they're all about the love of the breed and it shows in every way.

Pottsgold is NOT THE ONLY ALANO BREEDER IN THE USA!!!! I breed hunting Alanos for my own use. I do not sell to the public. When I breed, it is for my personal use and I may send some extras to hunters that I know. My dogs are registered S.E.F.C.A. in Spain and come from the hunting Kennels of Alanos de Alanhis and Alanos de la Marjal in Spain. My kennel is Alanos Niebla de Currahee.

I am a breeder of Alano Espanol dogs directly imported from Spain. True titled and working bloodlines with no mixing for size etc. I, however, am located in Canada.

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