Photo Can a white sheperd have a black and tan pup, and vice/versa? I have a mixed puppy whose dad was a w

I'm not an expert, but according to the information at the top of this page, a black and tan puppy would not officially be considered an American White Shepard, since their white color is one of only

Photo I just got a 5 month old white shepherd, but she is extremely shy around everyone. I want to social

Absolutely continue with the walks...bring treats with you so that when someone wants to pet her, you can offer a juicy treat to entice her to go up to them. Every experience needs to be a good one.

Photo I just bought a 4 month old white shepard and i was wondering why her ears are floppy and also she h

Yes, this is normal. German Shepherds and White Shepherds ears will go up and down while they are teething. If they are not up by probably 5 months, you might look into taping the ears.

Photo i have just got a 1 and a half year old white shepherd but she is always very frightened. I have ot

Try setting up a cargo style crate (largest size you can buy, not the cage style). Make that her safe place. Our white shepherd retreats to his crate when startled by lighting or storms or when he

Photo I have a 2 month white shepherd, how much dog food you give them? The doctor suggested 1 1/2 cup of

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