Basset Hound Q&A

I have A six month old BassetI live in a second floor Apt the breeder that I bought the pup never told me regarding the unnecessary stress that he is getting going up and down.I'm worry about his front legs and he is getting heavy to carry him.What did you recomend in this situation?

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Answers (3)

The Vet I speak with regarding my 2 month old bassett says stairs are fine. As they get older and heavier it may be a problem but untill your bassett is starting to slow down, don't worry about it.

I recommend that you take the stairs slowly, you set the pace with your basset. Otherwise your basset could end up with problems with their joints.

I got my basset when she was 3 months old. She was still not able to maneuver stairs. About 2 weeks after I got her, she mastered getting up the steps, but it was another 2 weeks before she could get down. As long as you're not running with your hound the way you could with a lab or a golden...the stress on the legs should be fine.

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