Basset Hound Q&A

how old does a bassett hound be be fore i breed her?

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Answers (4)

After making sure that your dogs, health, emperment, and comfirmation are suitable for breeding, you should wait until the second heat at least. Check with your vet, because all dogs are different just like people.

I would not suggest breeding unless the dog is a great dog or is a show dog that brings out the breeds full potential. Remeber: you have to take care of 8 pups that need shots and care which may cost a heft penny. As well as finding the pups homes. Be responsible

They say that you shouldn't breed your dog until they are at least 2 years of age. That goes for the female and the male.

Please make sure your dog is in optimal health, with none of the genetic issues Bassets are so prone to, before breeding her. Bassets' particular genetic issues often go undetected until too late, and they are such that every effort should be taken to prevent their spread.

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