The Bolognese is a small, stocky toy dog with a compact build and a distinctive coat of long, fluffy white hair. The length of the body is equal to the height of the body at the withers. The breed’s back is straight and the loin is slightly convex. Both the back and the loin merge harmoniously into the line of the croup. The withers are not exceptionally prominent. The Bolognese has an ample chest that is let down to the level of the elbows and a well sprung set of ribs. Their elbows are parallel to the median plane of the body. They have a well-proportioned head that is average in length and features an accentuated stop. The skull is slightly egg-shaped and is flatter towards the upper part. The breed’s muzzle is approximately half the length of the head. The sides of the muzzle are parallel and the topline of the muzzle is straight, giving a square-like appearance to the nose and jaw area. The jaws of the Bolognese are reasonably developed. The teeth are white close in a scissors or pincers bite. Their round eyes are average-sized and the white of the eye isn’t visible. The rims are black and the iris is dark in color. Their high-set ears are long and hanging, and they are rigid at their base so that the external ear’s upper part is detached from the skull. Their tail is carried in a curve over the back. The Bolognese has a long, fluffy white coat that flocks but never forms fringes. Hair of this breed is long and consistent in length all over the body. The coat is pure white.
add infoThe Bolognese has a concentrated demeanor and an enterprising, docile temperament. The breed is heavily devoted to their master and family. They are shy and somewhat reserved, and they generally focus their energies on forming strong bonding relationships with a few select family members. In an outdoor setting, this breed is full of energy, boisterous, and playful. They get along well with other animals, and they are receptive to obedience training. They do best with older children that won’t tease or pester them. The Bolognese is heavily dependant on the attention he receives from his owner, and they are likely to bark or howl if his owner can’t pay him any attention.
add infoThe Bolognese is a hardy, healthy breed with no major issues or concerns. They typically live for about 14 years, and they average 3 puppies per litter.
add infoThe origin of the Bolognese is frequently confused with the origin of the Maltese. Both of these breeds possess the same distant ancestor. This ancestor was a small dog that was mentioned by Aristotle under the name “canes melitenses”. The Bolognese was known during the Roman era, and it was often given as a special gift. The breed is depicted in many works of art, including pieces by Titian and Pierre Breughel. The Bolognese is very closely related to the Havanese and the Bichon Frise.
Bolognese were originated in Italy named after the city of Bologna.
add infoThe long coat of the Bolognese requires daily brushing and professional grooming on a monthly basis. They are minimal shedders.
add infoBecause of the breed’s small size, the Bolognese can take care of most of his exercise needs on his own. They love going for walks, but they are content to live without a yard. This breed is suited for life in a small household or apartment.
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