Bukovina Sheepdog Information

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(Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina, Ciobanesc de Bucovian, Romanian Bukovina Sheepdog, Bukovina Wolfdog, Bukovinac, Bucovina Sheepdog) The Bukovina Sheepdog has a large, muscular body that is very powerful and somewhat bulky in parts. They have well-supported backs and a tall, broad chest that reaches the level of the elbows. Their ribs are arched and their massive necks are long, bulky, and extremely strong. The Bukovina Sheepdog’s head is very large and is slightly elevated in respect to the line of the back. Their skull is comparatively broad and their stop is slightly marked. The breed has a tapered, cone-shaped muzzle that is the same length as their skull. Their strong jaws feature a set of well-developed white teeth that close in a scissors bite. Their cheeks are not prominent and their eyes are almond-shaped, small, and chestnut or hazel in color. Their v-shaped ears are high-set and fall close to the cheeks. The straight coat of the Bukovina Sheepdog is longer, thicker, and harder across the body. Their tail is bushy and their necks feature a “mane” of long hair. Across the head and fore face of the legs, the hair is shorter. The background coat of this breed is white with sand-charcoal colored markings. Uniform colors like all white and all black may also exist.

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The Bukovina Sheepdog was initially bred to protect sheep and cattle. They are great watchdogs. Bukovina Sheepdogs have a patient, even temperament and they are very good with children. They are calm, mellow, and loyal. This breed is leery of strangers and will bark if they sense any intrusion or strange activity.

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25 – 30 inches
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100 - 125 pounds
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General Health

Still Pending.....

A Bukovina's average lifespan is 10-15 years.

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Bukovina Sheepdogs are a native breed that was developed in the Carpathic region. Specifically, the Bukovina Sheepdog is native to the North-East of Romania, in Bucovina. Breeders have given much attention to select and improve this breed. Within its native land, the Bukovina Sheepdog is successfully utilized as a herding and guard dog. The first standard of this breed was written in 1982, and it was later updated in 2001. The Bukovina Sheepdog’s present standard was written and improvised according to the model that was established in 1987 by the FCI General Assembly from Jerusalem.

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Bukovina Sheepdogs have a long coat that should be brushed on a daily basis.

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Ideal Environment

Bukovina Sheepdogs need lots of exercise and open space. They aren’t suited for small household or apartment life. This breed is happiest with a minimum of a large backyard. They love to play outside.

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