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The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a long body that is low to the ground. Their ears are large-sized and stand erect, and their skull is broad and flat. They have a long, low-set tail and a heavier frame than the Pembroke variety. They have round feet and a straight topline. Their chest is deep and their breastbone is prominent, and their front feet turn slightly outwards. They have dark eyes that correlate with the color of the dog’s coat and their teeth meet in a scissors bite. They have a double coat that consists of a coarse, harsh medium-length outer coat and a soft, dense undercoat. The coat exists in a variety of colors including brindle, blue merle, black, black & tan, sable, red, and black & brindle. White markings may or may not be present.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is obedient, protective, and loyal. They are leery of strangers, but they are extremely faithful and love their family. They aim to please, and they get along quite well with considerate children. They are good guard dogs and perform well in obedience. While they are less social than the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, they are more territorial and devoted. They can sometimes be aggressive towards other dogs, and some tend to bark a lot. They are generally good with other pets and small animals. This breed may exhibit herding tendencies and behaviors like nipping at peoples’ heels. With proper training and socialization, this characteristic can be avoided.
Some Cardigan Welsh Corgis are prone to PRA and glaucoma. Because of this breed’s propensity to gain weight, it’s important that these dogs do not be overfed. They typically live for 12 to 15 years.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi have only been regarded as separate breeds for 70 years. There are a number of theories that refer to the origins of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Some believe that both Corgi varieties are descendants of the Swedish Vallhunds that were brought to Wales by the Vikings in the 800’s. Another theory is that the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is the older of the two Corgi varieties, and that it was brought to Wales by the Celts in about 1200 BC. The name “Corgi” is derived from the Celtic word for “dog”. The breed was developed in Cardiganshire Wales. The breed has a number of natural talents including herding, hunting, and guarding. Because of their low stature, they were able to move out of the way whenever a cow kicked. Both Corgi varieties were interbred until the 1930s, but breeders eventually wanted to accentuate their differences. Today, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is most heavily utilized as a companion dog.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a medium-length, water-resistant coat that is easy to groom and care for. They should be brushed and combed with a firm bristle brush, and bathed only as necessary. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi sheds heavily twice per year.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is perfectly content to live in a small household or apartment. They are an active breed indoors, and they don’t require a yard.
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Walnu Creek Lil Red Riding Hood &; Chelstar's Brynn
Sable and Brindle
Real Corgi's have Tails...
Age :
WInston is predominently white with brown areas and is typical of the breed in ihis conformation.
Age :
12 years
Red and White
Here is a picture of Chloe relaxing in her favorite chair. She was such a beautiful, loving dog. She died 1 year ago and I still miss her terribly.
Age :
Red + White
My original Corgi Mutt that i rescued from a kill shelter the day before he was to be put down. It was said he bit a child on the anklle. I'm sure he was herding him. he was a faithful, loving and my best friend for 14 years. It killed me to put hiim to sleep. But it was the most humane thing to do, he was just to sick and the medication was no longer working to keep him pain free, and I had nio right to be selfish and keep him with me while he was suffering. So i put my best friend to sleep while i lay by his side. It's been two years and it still kills me to think about it. He was the most wonderful dog I have ever known. My Charlie comes in second, although they are two entirely different dogs.
Age :
Red & White & Freckles
He's a Corgi Mutt of some kind that I rescued two years ago from Tri-State Corgi Rescue. The curly tail throws me, as does his temperment. He's very possesive of me. He will show his teeth to anyone who comes near me when he is by me. He'll also show his teeth and growl at me if I touch him when he's sleeping. (Which I think is hysterical so I do it quite often.) He'll always come to me with his tail and tongue wagging if i scold him for growling and snarling. He's not a kissy dog, he will give kisses but on his terms. He does however put his head under my chin and cuddle with me. He'll stick his snout under my hand and push it up to make me pet him. Again on his terms and when he is interested. Sometimes I think he is part cat. I got him after I had to have my previous Corgi Mutt put to sleep when he was 15 years old. He had bladder cancer that spread to his lungs. It was nine months before I could get Charlie even though i mised my Rusty terribly. The difference between the two was like night and day. Rusty was sweet and loveable, and Charlie was Charlie was not. It took me months to socilalize Charlie. He is a much kinder and genteler Corgi Mutt today. I do love him, he is my baby. He grows on you. Now if I could just get him to stop licking my couch and my bed.
Age :
8 years old
Milo (MEE-lo)
Black & White
Milo looking cute - as always.
Age :
2 in this picture
Blue Merle
At an agility trial
Age :
7 weeks
Black & White w/ Tan Points
out in the yard
Age :
2 yr & 6 months
Deuce and Levi
blk&wht, cryptic merle
Deuce and Levi are brothers.
Age :
6 months
cryptic merle
This is my youngest cardigan. He is a such a trip!
Age :
2 years old
Black & White brindle pts
This is what he does to beg for food, it works every time!