(Rumanian Sheepdog, Carpathian Shepherd Dog, Romanian Shepherd Dog, Carpatin) The Carpathian Sheepdog has a rugged, coordinated, nimble presence. The breed is of rectangular proportions with a broad croup and an inclined, broad, and high chest. Their shoulders are long and inclined, and their gender is apparent in the dog’s build. Male Carpathian Sheepdogs are taller and stronger than their female counterparts. The breed has a strong, wolf-like head with a wide forehead that is slightly curved. The skull of this breed is wider between the ears, and it tapers progressively towards the stop. They have large noses that are black in color and a pair of almond-shaped, dark brown eyes. Their tails are bushy and covered in hair and they are straight and touch the level of the hocks. The double coat of the Carpathian Sheepdog is rough, dense, and straight. The under coat is soft and thick. This plush coat exists all over the dog’s body, with the exception of the head and face. The hair on the back of the neck, the rear, and the tail is longer in length. Coat colors for this breed include various shades of sand. White spots and lighter or darker markings may be present.
User added infoRelatively large-sized dog, agile, never heavy, the general appearance being that of a vigorous dog. The body is rectangular, the croup is broad, slightly sloping, the chest is large and deep, the shoulder long and slightly sloping. Sexual dimorphism is well defined, the males should be taller and stronger than the females.
CRANIAL REGION : The Carpathian Shepherd Dog is of the mesocephalic type, with a powerful but not heavy head. The forehead is wide and slightly domed; wider between the ears and narrowing progressively towards the stop. The frontal furrow is relatively long and sufficiently well defined. Stop : Moderate, never too pronounced nor too discreet
HEAD:Lupoid type (wolf-like).
FACIAL REGION : Nose : Large, wide and always black. Muzzle : Powerful, of approximately oval section, slightly truncated cone shaped. The length of the muzzle is slightly less than or , at the most, equal to that of the skull. Lips : Thick, well pigmented, tight and well closed at the corner of the mouth. Jaws/Teeth : Strong, solid and straight jaws. Powerful dentition; scissor bite with the incisive arcades slightly rounded. Cheeks : Lean, with strong but never prominent cheek muscles. The skin is tight. Eyes : Almond shaped, slightly oblique, not too big compared to the size of the skull, color dark brown. Neither protruding nor sunken in the sockets. The eyelids are black, tightly fitting the eyeball. Ears : Not too big, triangular, attached a little higher than the line of the eye, with the tip slightly rounded, carried close to the cheek.
NECK : Muscled, very strong, of medium length presenting an angle of approximately 50* to the horizontal.
BODY : Vigorous, well developed, slightly rectangular. Topline : Straight and firm. Withers : Only slightly pronounced. Back : Of moderate length, straight, solid and muscled. Loin : Powerful, muscled, but not too broad, of moderate length, neither too long (the topline would not be firm enough) nor too short. Croup : Broad and muscled, of moderate length, slightly sloping, never falling away. Chest : Well developed, deep, reaching to the elbows, relatively wide. Strong ribs, well sprung, never barrel like. Underline : Moderately rising, belly tucked up but never drawn in nor pendulous.
TAIL : Set on relatively high, bushy, with abundant coat. At rest, it is carried low, straight or slightly sabre-like, reaching to the hock. When the dog is alert or in action, tail is carried upwards and can be even higher than the topline but never lying on nor curled over the back.
LIMBS FOREQUARTERS : Strong bones. Overall view : Seen from the front or from the side, upright and perpendicular to the ground. Shoulder : Strong, moderately sloping. Elbow : Close to the body, neither in nor out. Forearm : Straight, very vigorous, with an oval section. Metacarpus (pastern) : Short, slightly sloping. Fore : Oval, massive, compact.
HINDQUARTERS : Upright. Muscled with strong bones and good angulation. Upper thigh : Broad, very muscular. Lower thigh : Powerful, muscled, of moderate length. Hock : Solid, firm, neither too high (indicating an accentuation of the stifle angulation) nor too low. Metatarsus (rear pastern) : Solid, vertical. Feet : Oval, well developed and compact, a speck smaller than the front. Toes arched and tight. Dewclaws, if any, should be removed except in countries where their removal is forbidden by the law. The pads are resilient and resistant.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Free, long-reaching movement. Vigorous and sustained trot. In action, the limbs are parallel.
SKIN : Ash grey pigmentation. The nose, the eye rims and the lips should be black. Ash grey or black preferred for the nails.
COAT HAIR : The coat is harsh, dense and straight. The undercoat is dense and soft. With the exception of the head and the front part of the limbs where the coat is short and flat, the coat, of moderate length, is abundant all over the body. On the neck, the back of the limbs and the tail, the coat is longer - profuse coat on these parts being typical.
COLOUR : Pale fawn overlaid with black (wolf-grey) of different tones, often lighter on lateral parts and darker on the upper part of the body. Pale fawn overlaid with black (wolf-grey) with white marks preferably non predominant.
add infoThe Carpathian Sheepdog is a natural watchdog. They possess a strong loyalty to their master and a passionate devotion to their work. They are dignified, mellow, and even-tempered.
This breed is a natural guardian and courageous. It distinguishes itself by it's instinctive and unconditional attachment to the herd and its master. This breed is dignified, calm and stable.
add infoThe Carpathian Sheepdog has no recorded health-related concerns or issues. They are a hardy breed and typically live for 12 to 14 years.
add infoThe Carpathian Sheepdog originated in Romania. They are a naturally talented flock guard breed that has been utilized for centuries by the Romanian shepherds. The Carpathian Sheepdog is the result of a selection of an endemic breed that took place in the Carpathians and the Danube areas. The breed was initially bred for working purposes, so its features have changed very little over the course of its existence. The first standard for the Carpathian Sheepdog was written by The National Zootechnical Institute in 1934. It has been modified and updated since that time. The technical commission of Asociatia Chinologica Romana (RKC) adapted the standard in March of 2002 according to the pattern created by The Federation Cynologique Internationale.
This is a herding dog used by Romanian shepherds in the Carpathian mountains for centuries to defend the herds while, at the same time, being an excellent guard dog. Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 Sheepdogs. Without working trial. The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog was selected from an endemic breed present in the Carpatho-Danubian area. For centuries the principle criteria for selection has been utilization, this dog having conserved its character intact to the present day. The first standard was written in 1934 by the National Institute of Zootechny. This standard was modified and updated in 1982, 1999 and 2001 by the Romanian Cynological Association. The Technical Committee of the R.C.A. adapted the standard on 30.03.2002 to conform to the model proposed by the F.C.I.
add infoThe Carpathian Sheepdog’s coat is low maintenance, but it will benefit from receiving an occasional brushing. Brushing this breed’s coat will keep it in good condition and remove any stray, dead hairs.
add infoThe Carpathian Sheepdog needs rigorous daily exercise, and thus it is not suited for life in a small household or apartment. Because of this breed’s all-weather coat, they are content to sleep outdoors. Because of their natural character and instincts, they need to spend the majority of their time outside. They need at least a very large yard, and they are capable of exercising themselves.
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