Chinese Imperial Dog Information

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The Chinese Imperial Dog is a compact, well-muscled toy breed with sturdy bone structure and a sweet facial expression. They have well-developed bone structure and a body that is properly proportioned.

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The Chinese Imperial Dog is a wonderful pet and family companion. They are spunky, cheerful, and playful, and they are very loving and affectionate. They are intelligent and social, and they are trusting of most people. They are content to sit quietly on someone’s lap for long periods of time, and they are very cooperative. They have an independent streak and they are full of energy.

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6 - 9 inches

9-12 inches
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5 - 9 pounds

7-12 pounds
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General Health

Because of their small size, the Chinese Imperial Dog is prone to hypoglycemia. When coming from a reliable breeder, the Chinese Imperial Dog has very few health-related issues or concerns. They typically live for 10 to 15 years.

The average lifespan for this breed is 10 years but they occasionally live up to 15.

They can live up to 12-15 years.

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The Chinese Imperial Dog is a very rare breed that originated in China.

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The Chinese Imperial Dog’s coat should be trimmed about once per month. Occasional bathing, ear checks, and nail clippings should also be administered.

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Ideal Environment

The Chinese Imperial Dog is well suited to any indoor environment. They love to play, but their exercise requirement is comparatively low.

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Chinese Imperial Dog Q&A

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Do the chinese imperials shed?


Do they shed?

All dogs with fur shed. Dogs with Hair don't shed as much.


these chinese imperial are different from the shi tzu, right?

Genetically, they are the same dog. The Chinese Imperial is the name given to those shih tzu who are under 9 pounds and under 9" tall. I have several in the 3.75 to 5 pound range and I can tell you that they are very healthy little dogs and the "myth" that they are somehow unhealthy because of their size is hogwash! There is a breed club that has been around for quite a while now dedicated to these little treasurers .. The Chinese Imperial Dog Club of America There is also now a registry that certifies the size and pedigree's on these dogs and the registry is now registering up to 4th generation CIDs. Fourth Generation dogs have both parents registered and certified, all 4 grand parents, and all 8 great grand parents all registered and certified to be under 9 pounds and under 9" tall at at least 14 mo of age. If anyone is interested in registering their CID the website is . You can also find breeders who have certified, registered CIDs.


Is it normal for a Chinese Imperial to sweat a lot on its belly?

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