German Shorthaired Pointer Q&A

Hi, I have a 3 yr old Alaskan Malamute which we rescued. We would now like a Rotti Puppy, but she is agressive when she meets other dogs. Is it better to have a puppy or she we just forget the whole idea. I have a big garden.

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Answers (3)

get the puppy. take the time to introduce your mal with plenty of breaks. have a specific area(s) for both the mal and the pup. my mal and my kitten are best friends. She also loves our friends female will be harder to make it work with an older dog, but it can be done with discipline,time and love. the dog mainly needs to know that you are boss and the new pup is also a pack member. with our mal i have found that a squirt bottle, along with verbal commands does wonders.

Some malamutes tend to be aggressive if they haven't had a lot of exposure to other dogs as a puppy.But in most cases female malamutes will tolerate puppies.She may not like it for the first few days but she should learn to adjust.She will for sure boss the new puppy around but I don't believe she will hurt it.Now if you had a male malamute that would be a different story all together.

Agreed, get the puppy. My male malamute is 4 yrs old and has on rare occasion shown some aggression with other dogs, although he had tons of socialization as a pup. To be honest, there are just some dogs that he doesn't like- either because they once had an altercation over food/a bone, or because the other dog showed aggression first and my dog responded. That being said, he always has done well with puppies... and he has met quite a few, indoors and outdoors, male and female. He is a smart animal and I think he understands the concept of a puppy. Outdoor environments are always favorable for new introductions just to keep the territory neutral and not so constricting. If you are tense, they will be tense and so you don't want to create an environment where all the humans are circled around them waiting for something to go wrong- sends the wrong energy- just be casual and light.

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