German Shorthaired Pointer Q&A

My dog is 13 this year and looking thin but eating well just weighed her she is 20.25kg/44.7lbs and 23 inches tall is this okay?

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Answers (2)

She sounds like she is in perfect weight. Has she unexpectedly lost weight? That would concern me. Bring her to your vet for a checkup and have him/her compare her weight to the previous records and make sure you get a stool sample tested and a SNAP test for heartworm, erlichla and anaplasmosis.

She sounds like she is in perfect weight. Has she unexpectedly lost weight? That would concern me. Bring her to your vet for a checkup and have him/her compare her weight to the previous records and make sure you get a stool sample tested and a SNAP test for heartworm, erlichla and anaplasmosis. Katrin Tazza, AKC Breeder of Merit

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