German Shorthaired Pointer Q&A

We have a 6 year old female who is shedding in clumps. Can we do anything to slow this down? She is inside for the summer (air conditioned) and has doesn't want to go out in the heat.

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Answers (3)

What about getting her coat cut short at a groomers?

You can get her coat trimmed but their coats provide a barrier from the heat so just be careful that she doesn't over heat.And If you don't currently give her a daily vitamin that may be something you might want to look into.This can help with the extra shedding.

Just keep brushing! malamute fur sheds out in clumps especially in summer- using the special rake for the undercoat works the best. I don't recommend cutting their coat short as it will never grow back the same and does help protect them from overheating as long as you brush them regularly, sometimes daily in the summer.

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