(Deutscher Drahthaariger Vorstehhund) (Drahthaar) (Germen Wirehaired Pointing Dog)The German Wirehaired Pointer is a large dog with many cute and unique features. A square head is the beginning of this wonderful breed and leads to their long muzzle which ends with a large reddish-brown colored nose. From their muzzle, wiry hair feathers out like a short beard. Sitting on top of their small head are two long, floppy ears. A long neck leads to their semi-broad shoulders. Long skinny legs lead from their thin body to rabbit-like feet. The fur covering their body is, as the name suggests, wiry and comes in silver or white with red or brown markings.
User added infoNote, a GWP is not a Drahthaar. While it evolved from common ancestry lines, the two breeds are now completely distinctive (since 1902). They have different breeding standards. Drahthaars are also required to pass performance testing.
add infoThe German Wirehaired Pointer is a devoted family dog and is a hard working dog. Strangers will be ignored but friends and family will be greeted warmly and with affection. However, such devotion to their family makes them often jealous of other family pets, but they get along with other animals and dogs normally. Dominance is a problem they have which often causes them not to listen to their owners and can lead to dog fights. Training would be easy for this intelligent dog even with their occasional stubbornness.
add infoThe German Wirehaired Pointer has a few genetic disorders but most are not extremely serious such as ear infections, genetic eye disease, and hip dysplasia. However, one common disease which is very serious is skin cancer. An average life expectancy for this breed is between 12 and 14 years.
This breed is prone to a rare but serious bladder control disease causing them to urinate at less that optimal times. They are also genetically disposed to Lymposarcoma (cancer of the lymphnodes and lymphatics of other glands) and hemangiosarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels in spleen, liver, and R atrium). GWP's are also prone to bloat or gastric dilitation volvulus (GDV). Be sure to buy from a breeder who screens for these types of diseases. Seizures and hypothyroidism also can be genetic in origin.
add infoThe German Wirehaired Pointer does not have a long lineage. In fact, it originated in Germany about 100 years ago. The breed was created to be a more efficient hunting companion. To create it, a German Pointer was crossed with a variety of dogs including Bloodhounds and Wirehaired Griffons.
add infoTheir wiry coat needs some grooming to keep it looking kept up. Brushing should be done two to three times a week and baths should be given when they are dirty. Stripping of the coat should be done occasionally and the ears, which frequently get infections, should be cleaned out often. Exercise is most important to this active breed. Intense exercise should be done every day like swimming, jogging, or retrieving. Without this crucial exercise, they will be anxious and bored in the home.
add infoActive families will find the German Wirehaired Pointer a perfect fit into their energetic lives. Friendly with people they know but reserved with strangers, this breed can be a wonderful companion for families. Although good with dogs and other animals usually, they may become jealous and dominant. Many families will not have the time and energy to keep this breed happy, so only families with a large yard should try to own this breed. Long walks and jogging will ensure anxiety and boredom do not take over in the home. Training is a good tool to have to keep them stimulated and obedient.
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Do all wirehaired pointers get the longer coat? I recently got a GWP who does not have a beard. Everyone makes the comment that he must be a cross breed but I have his paperwork and bloodlines back several generations and they are all GWP so I believe some do not get the longer coat. And although they say my dog looks like a German shorthair which I breed in the past so I am quite familiar with My GWP has a very different texture to his coat. |