(Parti-colored Setter) (Red and White Irish Setter) The Irish Red and White Setter is an athletic, muscular breed. There are no solid colors - the base color is always white, with solid red patches. Mottling or flecking is permitted in show dogs around the face and feet. The coat is finely textured and feathered. A slight wave in the hair is permitted, but the hair cannot be curly. The skull is domed, while the head is broad in proportion to the body. The eyes are round and slightly prominent, and either hazel or dark brown in color. The ears are set well back on the head, and level with the eyes, lying close to the head. The jaw is strong, the bite scissors. The neck is long, muscular, and slightly arched. The body is strong and muscular, with a deep chest and well sprung ribs. The back and hindquarters are muscular and powerful. The feet are close‑knit and well feathered between toes. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to fine point, and should not reach below the hocks. The tail is feathered, and carried level with the back.
add infoThe Irish Red and White Setter is an energetic and high-spirited breed, affectionate, but intelligent and independent. They do not have guarding instincts, and therefore get along well with other animals. They are good with children. This Setter can be difficult to train because of that independent temperament, and requires firm handling. Their temperament can vary - some can be high-strung, others are reserved. They are adaptable to any climate, very fast, with an excellent sense of smell, and therefore make excellent hunters. However, they must be trained to be hunters from an early age.
add infoThe Irish Red and White Setter has a genetic tendency to Posterior Polar Cataract (PPC) - a relatively minor form of cataract which doesn't usually lead to blindness. It is necessary for the breeding stock to have their eyes checked and certified before breeding. Well cared for, this breed can live for 11‑15 years.
add infoThe Irish Setter began as a parti-colored breed - those that were solid red color were rare. However, in about 1850 the solid red Irish Setter became popular, and the red and white version began to decline. Indeed, they almost became extinct. In order to reinstate the breed, the Irish Red and White Club was founded in 1944 - in 1984 the National Irish Red and White Setter Club of America, Inc. was founded.
The AKC Parent Club is the Irish Red and White Setter Associations Inc.
add infoThis Setter must be brushed daily, in order to keep it free from burrs and tangles. Puck excess hair from the inner ear. Bathe and dry shampoo only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.
add infoThe Irish Red and White Setter is not suited to apartment life, or life in a small house. They need a large yard, and indeed are best suited to country life. They need a lot of exercise, and will become rowdy if they do not get enough.
This breed is very active and exuberant when young, but with basic training this breed is comfortable living in even the smallest of homes. Daily exercise is highly recommended. Adults are calm and a joy to live with. This breed gets a long well with other dogs.
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