Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier Information

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(Irish Staff) (Irish Staffie)The Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a very powerful and muscular dog, with a soft, sleek coat that comes in black, blue, fawn, red, white or brindle, usually with markings. It is very strong for its size. The head is broad and heavy, with round brown eyes framed by ears that are half pricked. The stop is clearly defined, the muzzle is short, the cheek muscles distinct, the jaws strong. The teeth should form a scissors bite. The neck is short and muscular. Both the front and rear legs are spaced wide apart. The removal of front dewclaws is optional, but the rear dewclaws usually are removed.  

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The Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not suited for most families, as it is a very demanding breed to take care of, and difficult to housebreak. It will need a strong, dominant owner. They are courageous to the point of recklessness, and can hurt themselves by biting through fences, or jumping from great heights. They are obedient when properly trained, affectionate with their owners and excellent with older children. They do well with other dogs and pets as long as they are well socialized.  As a puppy they tend to chew a great deal so they must be provided with plenty of chew toys. Their powerful jaws can tear through wooden fences. They must not be allowed off the leash unless they are in very tall, fenced in areas. (This terrier can jump extremely high.) They can be trained for agility, competitive obedience, weight pulling and jumping, and indeed, competes in agility, obedience, weight pulling and jumping in the UK at the highest level.

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17 ‑ 24 inches

AKC Breed Standard: 14-16 inches
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55‑77 pounds
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General Health

No hereditary diseases are known for this breed. Well cared for, they can live up to 16 years.

The Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier is susceptible to mange (Sarcoptic / Demodectic / Notoedric). When treated early, treatment is usually successful.

The average lifespan for this breed is 10-16 years on average.

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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originated in the 19th century in Staffordshire, England, from crosses between Bulldogs and various Terriers. They were developed for the sport of bull-baiting, and when that sport waned, so did this breed. Then Irish breeders decided to use them for dog fighting, and when dog fighting was banned, interest in the breed waned again. Today the breed is kept as a pet, although they can be used for jumping and weight pulling competitions.

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Brush the coat every day with a firm bristle brush, and bathe or dry shampoo only as necessary. 

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Ideal Environment

The Irish Staff will be content in an apartment as long as they are sufficiently exercised, but if they are bored they will become destructive. They must be kept on a leash in public, and even in fenced-in areas should not be unleashed unless those fences are over seven feet high.

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Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier Q&A

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Hi, i have a white staffordshire bull terrier called pip. He is about 17 inches at the shoulder and weighs 52.5 pounds. Alot of people are telling me that he is an irish staffy. How can i tell for sure?

If he looks like any of these dogs and fit the breed description then he is, Irish staffies are the same as english staffs just bigger.


my staff is a colour i have not seen anywhere else it is tanned with black snout and black ears and wanted to know what breed it might be about 13 inches tall and about 22 pounds

I have an irish staff with the same black outh and snout and tan all over. He also has black skin. about 24 in and 40lbs. also ears look croped but are not. I was told he looks just like his father. I have seen his sisters, both brindle and ears down.


what age does this breed stop growing at

Of the irish staffs ive owned (3) height is achieved by 18 months full body mass with the right conditioning at 3 years .By right conditioning i mean for the particular dog, some will be overweight with no exercise whilst others need exercise to bulk up .


Hi, I have a 5 month old puppy and she snaps her jaw really loud when she sleeps. She has also had fits. Anyone had similar experiences? Thanks

yes don't be considered

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