Jack Russell Terrier Q&A

I own a male Jack Russel Terrier cross. We have had him since he was about 8 weeks old. He is now about four years old and is not very socially matured. I've recently got a female miniture Coker Spaniel who is the same age. She is a very socialised dog and very gentle and friendly. My jack has being trying to KILL my cocker for the past 3 days. My cocker is starting to get sick of the bitting, barking and chasing. Can you please give me some advice on what to do?

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Answers (1)

It sounds like your JRT might be more territorial than friendly. Usually you have to introduce dogs to other animals and types of people while they are young, just so they can socialize. I don't think that you will be able to have both dogs at the same time, but who knows, it might just take a bit of time.

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