Photo My 8 month old will not be out side for more than 1 minute before she whimes and barks like CRAZY!!

All you have to do is put her on a leash and go out with her. Untill she finds the outside world ineresting enough to explore by herself. Keep going out with her every time for 10 min or so, and then

Photo We love our 11 month old grandpuppy...a beautiful black lab,Dash. My daughter a single mom has to wo

Mischievious behavior disapates when a labrador is given things to accomplish, like fetch and catch and the usual commands. The dog wants companionship and interaction and the behavior shows it.

Photo I have a chocolate lab who is about 7 years old and he is fat. I don't really know how he got 2 be o

labs will eat any thing left lying around someones i know once ate a slug farm so just check it's not as simple as he is eating out of the bin!

Photo i have bought a Black Lab, which is just 3 weeks old, What shud i be feeding it and till when(months

as i understand it, it is common for labs to have a patch of white on the chest. Ive not heard of white feet tho, but i wouldnt be worried. The white patches will prob become less pronounced as it gro

Photo our 2yo male purebred lab is not desexed and has a great temperament. he has gone through all the no

I have had a couple of labs that were never cut and they never grew out of it. Its just a male thing. I have seen cut ones do the same thing so dont tell them they are doing wrong they are just dogs.

Photo when will my yellow lab, Pearl, come into heat and how long will it last.

correct time to breed your bog is after its above 20 months

Photo I have a three year old female yellow lab. I am thinking about getting another dog. What breed wou

i would think about your dog's temperment. any of the "water" dogs would be a good companion as long as the dog has the same energy level. i have had issued with female dogs not getting al

Photo At what age are Yellow Labs full grown?

9 months

Photo where did they originate? where did they come from and what is the best climate for them?

Labrador Retriever's area of origin is Canada. Best if the climate is 60% cold and 50% hot.Its the best climatic condition for them. Hope this helps :) _sreemoyee

Photo Our English breed Lab has had cists on his feet since he was a puppy which has him constantly lickin
Photo My lab is now 8mths old, as its age is growing my dogs size is also growing but the problem is my do

his is no problem

Photo what is the correct age for a male lab for breeding????

Male Labs can mate from the age of 10 months to 1 year. But for Health reasons they should be allowed to mate not before 14 months. Cases are there where male labs, especially show dogs, are allowed t

Photo I have a black male retriever who impregnated my one year old black female lab. She had 6 puppies y

This is not uncommon and somewhere in the bloodline there must have been a yellow. Does either of your blacks have a white mark on their chest? That indicates that are yellow factored. There are no

Photo We just recently got two chocolate lab puppies. I have noticed that they are both getting a rippled

my chocolate has the same.. its somewhat common

Photo My yellow lab is 9 weeks old and he gorgeous, the only concern i have is that his nose is more pink

they can be either color and yes it is normal

Photo I have the opportunity to adopt a yellow lab that is 14 months old, neutered and microchipped with a
Photo I am considering getting a yellow lab for my boys for Christmas. I was wondering if it would be bet

Yes they would probably be happier if there was 2, but i have just one and as long as we give her lots of cuddles she is great. But i still think it would be better to have two if you can afford it (t

Photo i have a black cute lab. he is 2 yrs. and 45 kg. i bought him when he was just 18 days old from the
Photo Im getting a 8 week old Yellow Lab this weekend. I have read up on how to train them and the attenti

We feed our dog tux... it's cheap, healthy and our lab loves it. It's all she has had since she was about 1.. But i live in New Zealand, so depending where you live you might not be able to get or not

Photo is my female lab at 9months overweight at 66lbs?

Not likely...puppies still have a lot of growing to do. They are born with the skin they have as an adult and it stretches as they grow. This causes them to look overweight. She is still growing an

Photo I am adopting a 13 week old yellow lab that I have been fostering. He's really nervous around people

He needs to get used to everyone. play with him a lot and he should loosen up.

Photo I have purchased a 1 month old labrador puppy should i start giving training to it from now

this is not a correct time for this age he cant understand anything.if you want to give training then start it between 2 to 3 months this is the best age to train your dog.

Photo what is the average eating requirements of labrador?
Photo I have a very large Black femal Labrador 9 months 100 pounds, very active, and difficult to walk on

A prong collar is useful to prevent pulling on the leash. This is not the same as a choke collar, which is not a good idea, since it can damage the windpipe. Remember to remove the collar when off-l

Photo i have a 2 month old lab and well he barks at night alot a whole lot i really dont know what can mak

No, do not give your dog milk. it is not safe for them at this age. Basically it'll make the pup have a stomach ache and will also make him have the runs.

Photo I have a 6 month old black lab, and he started to have alot of loose skin under his neck and chest.

Hi I have a 4 year old black lab and he had the same thing but grew into it, He still has a bit.

Photo I have a blk. block-head male lab (from a choc. & yellow) and a black female ( from blk. parents
Photo Where do Newfoundlands originate from?

Newfoundland Canada

Photo Do they have a strong doggie odor?

I have a 4 year old black lab and he doesn't smell at all. I always ask people if my house smells like dog and everyone says no.

Photo Is it good to give Labrador Retrievers fruit and vegetables?

yeah! i aiso have a dog n he really like banana and grapes..

Photo My yellow lab mix gets very gassy. What could cause this and what type of dog food should I be feedi

I have a purebred yellow lab and he farts all the time and it stinks so bad. He is 3 months old and eats purina puppy chow and he has never had human food. Its just a lab thing.

Photo Is it possible for 1-2 week old labs to change color? My female had nine black pups? and at 1 1/2 we

Are you sure all the pups were black? It is possible that the one pup you are referring to was born dark chocolate which gives more of a black appearance as opposed to the light chocolate that looks

Photo my 3 month old chocalate lab seems to not want to walk and seems a liittle lazy....should i be worri

YES. My 3 month old forces me up at 4am and many other times of the day to play with her.

Photo What is the difference between a labrador retriever and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever?
Photo I have a Black Lab about 3yrs old. She suddenly got a blister or wart on her lip. It has gotten la

Has your dog been put on any new medications, especially thyroid? This is an allergic reaction and you should stop the meds immediately and go see the doctor. My chocolate died from this.

Photo When can I start giving my 10 month old lab Adult food?

My lab is 9 months and puppy food wasnt satisfying her enough so our vet told ous to slowly and gradually change her to adult food....we started at 7 months and she is now only eating adult food. Ta

Photo What is a good test to see if my pup is too heavy on his hind end? I am transitioning to a better le
Photo How long can a Labrador swim in open water ?
Photo can a chocolate lab and black lab have a yellow lab puppy?


Photo How big on average should a female 8 wk. old labrador retriever (yellow, if that matters) be? My pup
Photo My 2 month old lab seems not to want to go for walks. She likes to play inside but she tends to nap

yes they are still growing

Photo on average what weight should my 7 month old lab be at ?
Photo I have a chocolate lab she is around 4 years old, She is a very lovable dog, great with eveyone. My
Photo i have a 7 year old labrador retriever and was planning on getting a yorkshire terrier, but i was af

I had a lab and a Maltese for years. The Maltese would go over and lay right next to my lab up against her belly. They even played a lot and the maltese kept my lab young. The funny thing was the M

Photo I have a 4 month old black lab female (yellow mom, black dad) bought from a very reputable breeder.
Photo Do all Labs have webbed feet? What other breeds can have webbed feet? Are Lhasa Apsos included?
Photo Does any one know why no one seems to breed yellow and chocolate labs together? Mostly I've only see

my puppy has yellow and chocolate parents. He's a chocolate

Photo We are considering buying a chocolate lab, but the one we are being offered has a medium sized white

a white patch on the chest is acceptable in a pure bred lab. the original chocolates all had a white spot on their chest.

Photo I'm getting a black lab puppy on Sunday and have been told i should restrict his exercise until he i

He won't want to exercise too much until he is about a year, but moderate exercise beforehand is good for training. Socialization is a good idea, it will get him used to people and dogs. However, ma

Photo My dog has had an ear yeast infection for months now, his ears have the yellowish/brown debri in the

Hello, I have the same exact problem with my three month old yellow lab, Cobee. The vet gave me ear drops and I have to fight with him to get them in but it cleared it up within a week. I definetly re

Photo how big is a three month old yellow lab?
Photo my yellow lab puppy sleeps all the time is that normal?

there like babys thats all they do is eat sleep n poo lol make sure when the pup wakes up make sure u play with the pup n then off to sleep it goes til it gets bigger/older

Photo i have a 2 months 3 weeks old black labrador retriever, i went to the vet 2 days ago, she gave my do
Photo How long will Labrador retrievers live? I want a healthy dog, and what brand dog food is good for La

They live 12-15 years and the best food is beniful playfull life trust me mine lives it and he got a better coat and stronger musles after he had is for 1 month now he loves to hunt!

Photo I love Labrador retrievers but I am wondering do labs natrully retriever with out teaching them? If

Usually they do because they like it.

Photo We have a 9 year old yellow labrador that has been potty trained since she was a puppy. Over the l
Photo Please explain about the markings on the tongues of black labrador retrievers? Is it normal or adno

My lab has black markings on her tongue also. She is full blood and can be registered, but I have always wondered about her tongue markings. Can anyone answer this?

Photo I have a five month old chocolate labrador. I have noticed that his front legs arn't straight and hi

Yes, it is normal for a young puppy. It will stop in time.

Photo Do labradors need to be consistantly watched over or is it ok to leave it at home by itself everyday

Labs are VERY social dogs and will NOT appreciate being left at home that long without company.

Photo I have a yellow lab. When he walks it looks like he moves his whole hind end from side to side and o
Photo I've just rescued a yellow lab from our local humane society. She was very sick when I got her with

This is a common behavior in any dog. Most of the time they will out grow it. But if that do not there is some stuff that you can get from the vet and also over the counter that you give to them and

Photo We have a ten month old black lab which weighs 98lbs. He is very healthy, has lots of energy and get

You probably need to compare height and weight to get an idea of whether he's overweight or not. If he's taller at the shoulder than the average Lab he'll weigh more. Hope that helps

Photo I have a chocolate lab he is about 15 months old . We have had him for about 4 months and when we fi

what kind of food are you feeding? try a higher quality food.

Photo How Long should I be walking my 8 month old Male Chocolate Labrador? Right now I take him out in the

I would suggested you are walking your dog too much, 40 mins should be enough twice a day and be careful with free runing with other dogs for any length of time too. You can't satify a labs energy you

Photo My black lab is one year and four months old and she weighs 85 lbs. I notice when I take her out for

Perhaps your lab was had sore leg or paw that night. If he/she isn't having problems anymore then she's probably fine. To be safest just get a fully body check by yourself or vet to see and try to rec

Photo I have a one year old lab who has plenty of exercise but was wondering what kind of thing I can do a

a good indoor game is stuff like hide and find

Photo I want to buy a yellow lab, how can I judge if its pure or not ?

You should check his feet. If they are webbed he is pure.

Photo My 2 black labrador puppies now have chocolate streaks, cheeks,neck and leg areas....mum is yellow a
Photo what is the age range for laborador retrievers

Labrador's life span is 10-12 years. hope this helps :) -Sreemoyee

Photo I have a brown male labrador puppy and would like to know what can i do to stop the lawn from dying

If bushes are around try to train him/her to urinate by bushes if not water your lawn constantly just make shore there are no water puddles because that would make your lawn die too hope this helps!

Photo hi my names jarrad i am from australia i have two labradors one male(2 1/2 years) one female(15 mont

My lab does this and I have no idea why or how to stop it. But he is almost 10, he does not have any uneven hip/elbow issues. He doesn't have hip/elbow issues at all, actually. I don't think there

Photo We have two very loving black labs one which has a bad habit of eating it own poo. Have gone to pe

I have experienced this with two labs - one back and one chocolate (both bitches). The surest, easiest and quickest way to try and stop the habit is to clear away the poo as soon as possible. I've tr

Photo I am a Lab breeder for over 20 years. I have placed hundreds of lab puppies in homes. I have a new
Photo i bought a puppy of 24 days,what should i do for his good health?
Photo we noticed yesterday that she is beginning to bleed she old enough to be in heat?if so ho
Photo My dog suddenly fell down while walking. He was walking properly but all of a sudden his legs starte

he may be not getting enough sleep, if that isn't it he might need some more protein and energy in his food

Photo I have a 1year and 9 month-old lab, having excessive salivation, is there anything I can do to minim

Hi; Check this site: I did check out this page on the site: coub

Photo I have a black lab mix she is 2 yrs old i noticed she is getting a hanging sagging belly but she is

She is probably pregnant!

Photo I have a black lab mix she is 2 yrs old i noticed she is getting a hanging sagging belly but she is

I would take the dog to a veterinarian for evaluation. My lab was diagnosed about four years ago with liver disease. This could be something that goes along with that disease. Incidentally, my dog

Photo Why are my 8 month old pure bred ($1,000 each) chocolate labrador retrievers turning a splotchy oran

It is from the sun, as they shed and replace their fur they will darken up again.

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