Lhasa Apso Q&A

Can you please tell me what is a good kibble I can put my ab on. He's been eating raw and it's getting way to expensive .

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Answers (2)

We use Blue Buffalo, lamb and rice. It rates very high on the scale for dog food. The chicken and rice is great too. It is all natural 30lb bag cost about $42.00 at petsmart. It last our 3 to 4 weeks. You can go on there website for all nutrition values and were it available.

If the pup isn't hunting boar for the love of god {blue buffalo} don't feed that stuff, talked to my vet, he said that if a dog isn't active like 4 out of 7 days a week they don't need that much protein and actually if can't burn it off it can lead to serious health probs.including cancer. if the pup isn't running 5 miles a day feed him a kibble with between 12& and 16% protein

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