Lhasa Apso Q&A

My 2 old year American Bulldog is the best dog I have ever had, but... he sheds continuously! I have tried brushing daily, bathing with special shed control shampoo's. I am at my wits end. I feed Diamond for large breed dog food. Does he needs some kind of supplement added to the food or a different kind of food. I have tried 2 other kinds and no help there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kathy

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Answers (5)

Try switching his food to: Taste of the Wild, High Sierra Formula. American Bulldogs have a very sensative digestive system, so propper nutrition is a must. also try brushing daily with a curry comb This works great for my bulldog

Try switching his food to: Taste of the Wild, High Sierra Formula. American Bulldogs have a very sensative digestive system, so propper nutrition is a must. also try brushing daily with a curry comb This works great for my bulldog

contrary to what most people believe....American bulldogs shed like crazy anyway...I have two and if i don't clean up hair after two days my floor and corners are covered...

American Bulldogs shed so much. One pet down the dog's back and a ton of hair comes off. No matter how much I bathe or brush him. It's just the dogs hair.

I adored by ABD Jinx. She passed away 3 years ago. She shed horribly. I have had many dogs but her shedding was so far over the top, I had a white covering on my rugs all the time. The vet said that after every shot or intervention the staff would change their scrubbs. The vet also told me there was NOTHING that could be done. Daily brushing doesn't really help, except that it will decrease the amount of hair in your home. I miss Jinx terribly but I don't miss the shedding at all.

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