Lhasa Apso Q&A

My ex has a lovely AB named Cleo that he got from a rescue program. She loves people, kids and other dogs. UNTIL another dog shows any kind of aggression. Even if another dog is playing and plays too rough or growls, she attacks and has to be pulled off. Last week she was playing with another dog that is half her size, and they started getting goofy. The little dog snapped at her and she was all over him and the little dog ended up with 8 stitches. My ex feels horrible and can't understand what's setting her off. She is very laid back, very loving and has no problem with other dogs, even around food, until there's any sign of aggression, even a growl or a playful snap. My ex is now taking her to a trainer to prevent further trouble, but my question is what could be setting her off? Abuse in a former home? Attack from another dog? She's 2 now, can the problem be fixed with a good trainer?

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Answers (3)

I. Have a five yes old male he is the same way. It is in their blood to be rugged and tough. The onlybway I found of avoiding it is to stay clear of dog parts and closely supervise par time. If you find a better answer let me know

I. Have a five yes old male he is the same way. It is in their blood to be rugged and tough. The onlybway I found of avoiding it is to stay clear of dog parts and closely supervise par time. If you find a better answer let me know

Cleo could very well have a bad experience in her past that causes her to react this way. Also, I hate to admit it, but I think that this breed does have a genetic predisposition to react agressively when threatened. They are proud dogs who dont like to be pushed around. They were bred not to back down from a threat but to protect the farm at all costs. The other dog attacked first and dogs have no concept of size. Ask any chhuahua.

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