Maltese Q&A

My chihuahua is normally a very hyper and healthy dog but this morning she was wobbling around and finally just laid down on her belly with her legs spread out. I thought maybe she was having a hypoglycemic episode so I gave her some karo syrup and thought she would be fine. Hours later she still has this lethargic way about her. She won't walk. She will only lay there with her legs spread out. I am at a loss. Someone please help with any advice. Please don't tell me to take her to the vet, because that is already planned. I am just stuck at work right now and can do nothing about it. I would like to have some ideas from chihuahua owners who may have had similar episodes with theirs. I am hoping that maybe she is just a bit hypoglycemic and with the syrup she will come around. I feed her IAMS healthy naturals and she has had all of her shots. She has also been wormed. Should I have been giving her doses of syrup the whole time or what? Also, she is what you would consider a teacup as she only weighs about 2 lbs. She turned a year old in May. I have two other chihuahuas who are more of a toy breed. (around 3.5 - 5lbs), and I have had them for about 4 years. I have never had this problem from them. Please help.

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Answers (2)

No you don't give them doses of syrup unless they are in an episode ... not just all the time.... you only want to give it to them when absolutely necessary because it brings back their blood sugar real fast and then it crashes so right afterm you feed them the syrup you need to make sure they eat at least a little bit of something as soon as they arelate feeling up to it .it sounds like she was in an episode ...but it didn't get better with syrup? I can't think of any other reason to have those symptoms much syrup did you give her?

No you don't give them doses of syrup unless they are in an episode ... not just all the time.... you only want to give it to them when absolutely necessary because it brings back their blood sugar real fast and then it crashes so right afterm you feed them the syrup you need to make sure they eat at least a little bit of something as soon as they arelate feeling up to it .it sounds like she was in an episode ...but it didn't get better with syrup? I can't think of any other reason to have those symptoms much syrup did you give her?

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