Maltese Q&A

My pug just turned 7 yrs old. Her right eye is irritated and weaping all of the time. This may sound stupid but I have been laid off work and can not afford a vet bill. Is there something at home I can do to make it better? Thank you for your time

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Answers (2)

These are desparate times and vets are getting more and more expensive. I, unfortunately understand your delema. I have used neosporin (not the one with pain killer) with great success on a cat who was in a fight. I thought she would be blind but she is totally healed. I buy my neosporin from the dollar store.

These are desparate times and vets are getting more and more expensive. I, unfortunately understand your delema. I have used neosporin (not the one with pain killer) with great success on a cat who was in a fight. I thought she would be blind but she is totally healed. I buy my neosporin from the dollar store.

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