Mastiff Q&A

My mastiff is 1 1/2 yrs. old. She is not gaining weight. We brought her to the vet and they suggested to give her a little more treats during the day. Still nothing...any suggestions?

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Answers (7)

My sister was actually having the same problem with her male mastiff. We found that it is better to feed her animal Lard. Don't get that mixed up with Vegetable grease they use to fry foods though, that doesn't help. Also look at her diet and figue how much engergy is in that and raise the energy if possible slightly more. Recap, Animal lard and higher energy foods

I raise mastiffs and have a female that Ive had on basically every kind of Dog food available. She still does not gain enough weight and looks like i dont feed her. She is very energetic and holds a more athletic build.Some dogs dont have the bulkyness and thickness as other mastiffs have due to breeding. I have found that by feeding them dog food with eggs and alittle RAW (not cooked) meat like chicken or any meat from your grocery puts weight on them and keeps their coat shinny. Its perfectly healthy to feed a raw meat diet but tr to keep dog food for them as well. Just be sure your not over feeding the meat part. I hope this helps!

I have a 4 month old English Mastiff & she is 60 lbs. I feed her 1 & 1/2 cups 4 times a day as the breeder told me. I have her on Iams puppy giant breed. She loves it and is really growing. At this rate, the vet thinks she will be more around 200-220

The best ting to do is reserch dog foods. You need to feed her food WITHOUT CORN. Nothing from Wal-mart! You'll see what I mean. We feed Canida. But their are many GOOD food out their.


i think the raw meat diet is good for them ..i like to feed mine the organics dog food too ...raw eggs are good for them and one thing people tend to overlook are digestive enzymes ..and a good probiotic ..this helps them to obsorb their nutrition and their food also helps to obsorn their food ...i had a 8 year old great dane that was getting skinny due to him not absorbing his food i started doing this ..i changed his food to organics,raw eggs,raw meat..digestive enzymes and a probiotic ..he stopped loosing weight and before he passed away he was running around like a puppy again ..

i think the raw meat diet is good for them ..i like to feed mine the organics dog food too ...raw eggs are good for them and one thing people tend to overlook are digestive enzymes ..and a good probiotic ..this helps them to obsorb their nutrition and their food also helps to obsorn their food ...i had a 8 year old great dane that was getting skinny due to him not absorbing his food i started doing this ..i changed his food to organics,raw eggs,raw meat..digestive enzymes and a probiotic ..he stopped loosing weight and before he passed away he was running around like a puppy again ..and also corn or wheat gluten in the dog food are no good

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