Pomeranian Q&A

My pomeranian will be two years old in April and now my boyfriend wants to get another(bigger) dog. What kind of dog will interact the best with my pom?

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Answers (8)

I've had my pom (Stinky) for about two years now. About six months ago I got a beagle (Margot). They get around wonderfully. My boyfriend's parents have a HUGE mixed dog (we think she's lab and rot) and they also get along good. My parents have an older lab and Stinky gets along great with him also.

I also knew someone who had a pom and a beagle and they got along very well.

I have an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Pomeranian, They get along very well. My pom cleans my apbt's eyes and face on a regular basis and they play with toys together. my pit learned not to pull too hard so that my pom can get a good hold on the toy. People think they look strange together but they compliment each other very well. Hope this helped!

I also have a pitbull and two poms. They all are varied in ages and get along great. The pitbull is about 55 pound, one pom is 7 pounds and the other is 20 pounds. The all love each other.

Hi. My toy pom gets along great with my Welsh springer spaniel, my retriever, my beagle and my boarder collie. She is a real madam though and believes she is alot bigger than the rest of them.

Hi. My toy pom gets along great with my Welsh springer spaniel, my retriever, my beagle and my boarder collie. She is a real madam though and believes she is allot bigger than the rest of them. I think it can be dangerous if you get a new dog who doesn't tolerate such bossy behaviour. But with proper upbringing and strict rules, your pom will adore any new member to your brood!

Scary thought for you I bet? It'd be for me too. I'd like to eventually get another dog, but there aren't many larger dogs that'll get along with a Pom. 1st this is the POMS HOUSE...the are territorial with space & people. I would suggest an already grown larger dog that gets along with small animals, has a mellow personality. Check the various breeds online. I bet there's a companion site, where you can find compatible breeds. When a dog is full grown, you can see his mannerisms already, he's likely not to change, a puppy hasn't grown into their personality yet, as cute as they are. Any dogs that are for herding would be a big no. Take the Pom with you when you look for a new dog. Also, alot of Rescue's will let you take the animal home for a test visit. Good luck, you're going about this in a great way, wish more people would.

Obviously every dog will probably be different but our pom was 9 when we got our Doberman and they got along perfectly fine! Our dobe new who ruled the house and also new to NEVER mess with caspers (our pom) food..It was really sweet how they would sleep beside each other at times. Dobermans are such sweet, gentle, affectionate, loving dogs that just want to be with their family anyways. Never had an issue at all!!

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