Answers (2) |
ABs stay in puppy hood for a comparatively long time. This is why he is still nipping your hands when you pet him. One thing I found that worked with my ABs is when they are nipping, cup the dogs lower jaw with your fingers, and, with your thumb, put pressure to the part that is under his tongue. Not enough to hurt him, just enough to where they are uncomfortable. Just a word of caution, this may take several attempts at first, as they may think you are playing. Just reinforce your actions with words of discouragement. As for the jumping, if you have let the dog do this for a period of time, you will have to train him to know that this not acceptable. What I have done for this is to take a choke collar on a leash, when they jump give a quick, sharp snap downwards, again not enough to hurt the dog, basically just to get his attention, with a commanding "NO." Remember, these dogs are very smart and will learn appropriate behavior quickly Good advice. You can also use dog language by using a low growly tone of voice when scolding is appropriate and a high (normal female) voice for praise. The lower voice of men inspires more respect from the dog and the normal female voice, being higher, inspires play and also affection. So, typically, the dog obeys the man better but loves the woman more which is expressed by mouthing and jumping for joy. Exadurate your voice for best results. |