Answers (2) |
In answer to your question, any dog that is neglected during it's most important "growing" time ( up to 2 years for some dogs ) will undoubtly suffer problems whether they are growth problems or social problems. I'm not too sure what 6 cups means ( I only assume you are American ) but you should split the meal into two ( once in the morning and once in the evenings ) do not excercise your dog one hour before its meal or within two hours after a meal. I'm sure if she could talk she would tell you how much she appreciates having a loving kind owner as you. Enjow your dog and have fun. I feed my 11 month old male Dane between 3 and 4 cups of his food twice a day and he seems to be doing fine. I agree with the other answer; neglect could have caused her some issues later on. A female will not get as big as a male. You might want to check her food and make sure she is getting the best you can afford. If you have a tractor supply store near you, I recommend the 4 health brand. It is premium food, but because it is the store brand, it is cheaper than the rest. |