Standard Poodle Q&A

Our Dorothy is the most wonderful dog in the world. She 5 years old and amazingly athletic. She could chase a ball all day and does 210 degree flips in the air effortlessly. She also does that boing-boing straight-up jump that jack russels are known for. Previously we had a very sleepy cocker and have known many cavaliers who enjoy just sitting. Alot. We thought the cockalier breed would be more passive than our gal. By the way, I'm not complaining...just a little suprised.

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Answers (8)

Our cockalier pup is almost 5 months old and does all those things you describe. I especially enjoy her when she is our "springy girl" or what you call doing that boing-boing thing. She loves to jump up and try to grab snowflakes out of the air and chase balls, etc. This my first cockalier so I don't know if this is typical, but it definitely my girl!

Our cockalier pup is almost 5 months old and does all those things you describe. I especially enjoy her when she is our "springy girl" or what you call doing that boing-boing thing. She loves to jump up and try to grab snowflakes out of the air and chase balls, etc. This my first cockalier so I don't know if this is typical, but it definitely my girl!

Hi, I have a male cockalier the can jump from the floor onto my kitchen table. When he was 13 weeks old be was able to jump onto my queen size bed which is pretty high. Needless to say my outside screen door didn't fair well. He also repells off the slidding glass door. Everyone is very surprise how high he can jump. I 'm glad my dog is not the only one that jumps

i have a cockalier that amazingly does the same as you all have mentioned, she is very athletic, jumps extremely high and is always running. she is also a swimmer. in fact a few days ago she tried to jump in a puddle of water and swim!!

i have a cockalier that amazingly does the same as you all have mentioned, she is very athletic, jumps extremely high and is always running. she is also a swimmer. in fact a few days ago she tried to jump in a puddle of water and swim!!

i have a cockalier that amazingly does the same as you all have mentioned, she is very athletic, jumps extremely high and is always running. she is also a swimmer. in fact a few days ago she tried to jump in a puddle of water and swim!!

I havr a 7yo cockalier and she is very passive and loves to just sit and cuddle but get a treat out and she will do a spin like a ballerina, it is the cutest thing, also she loves when we go to visit my mom and if i ask here where is mom or tell her to go get mom she will run as fast as she can, do flips and gets very playful so i would say yes this is normal but it also depends on how you are with your dog, I've noticed mine feeds off my mood a lot

I have a little boy who is 1 1/2 . He is absolutely crazy!!! I know he is still young, but he chews up everything, so I have to really baby proof my house. He will play fetch all day. In the house he will put the ball next to me on the couch and cry until I throw it to him. He is very active, but at night he is ready to snuggle and snooze right next to me all night. Sweetest dog...(I was going to say I ever had, but all my dogs are sweet!!)

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