Standard Poodle Q&A

We just received a 9 month old female Great Dane from a private party who wanted to get rid of her. We did receive a bed, and carrier for her to sleep in. She has been sleeping in their garage. My question is how low temperatures can this dog tolerate overnight? We really did not want an inside dog and I was just told they cannot be outside in the cold. Right now we have her on our enclosed porch, but it is not heated. Will I have to bring her in during the winter months? I have looked through some of the questions on the forum and cannot find anything to answer this. Please let me know immediately, so I can move her inside if need be. Thank you.

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Answers (4)

Great Danes are short-hair dogs who do NOT like the cold--they enjoy sleeping in front of a fireplace or a wood buring stove. They are not a huskie--on the plus side--they are alert! They are also protective and will watch out for you and your children--they do not live long and they can be prone to hip problems. They train to the leash well, and love to please. I have had 2 danes and they both relate well to other animals already in the house. In fact, the cat had authority over both dogs.

Hi. I have had 5 great danes. Two have lived to be 10 years old. We consider that very lucky. We have two now and they can't sleep outside. The thing with a great dane is they are a very social animal. We made the mistake of keeping our first ones in the laundry room and they are just not the same. Please enjoy your puppy. They love to be with you at all times. They are a part of the family. I am so glad that someone who cares has finally rescued your puppy.

Hi. I have had 5 great danes. Two have lived to be 10 years old. We consider that very lucky. We have two now and they can't sleep outside. The thing with a great dane is they are a very social animal. We made the mistake of keeping our first ones in the laundry room and they are just not the same. Please enjoy your puppy. They love to be with you at all times. They are a part of the family. I am so glad that someone who cares has finally rescued your puppy.

Hi my friends Because of the short hair in fullblood great danes they cant tollerate heat . I suggest u to build a 2 meters high roof and 1.5 width for her and isolate the walls so you have to assign a heater cooler air condition for that. remember you have a beautiful highblood dog

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