Weimaraner Q&A

I have a wonderful Landseer. We have one problem. He has terrible allergies. We live in Texas and when we received him as a pup he looked great. Within weeks we noticed him scratching alot. Now going on a year he scratches so much that he has red blotches down his legs. Weve tried changing foods, oatmeal baths(weekly), and all different meds. Please help with any advice.

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Answers (6)

I give mine over the counter allergy pills. 50 mg It is real common and I buy the generic. it slipped my mind right now but it really helps the allergy problem. Hope this helps.

Diphenhydramine, aka Benedryl

My poor dog will scratch all day and night - oatmeal bathing helps a little, but only real relief of any length of time is benedryl (I use the store brand as it's cheaper).

We have a 10 year old newfie that was scratching himself bald and constantly licking his feet. His coat lost its shine and soft feeling due to his allergies. Our vet put him on a mild steroid (Predinisolone 20mg) daily for a week and then half a pill every other day for 2 weeks. He also takes 1000mg daily of Fish oil. It completely cured him of scratching, his coat is shiny and soft and his skin is healthy again. Because of the fish oil we only have to vacuum every 3 days instead of 3 times a day. It is amazing how much less he sheds! Since it is winter now he wont be taking any more of the Predinisolone until spring, then we will be giving him half a pill every 2-3 days, but he will receive the fish oil for the rest of his life. We even began giving it to our 2 Maine Coon's daily and their coats/skin are healthier with less shedding.

Our female Landseer was scratching and chewing her fur constantly from allergies until our vet finally put her on one cycle of prednisone and a 21 day antibiotic prescription of clavamox. (Some of the itching may have been bacterial after the original allergy irritation.) She also takes fish oil daily in the form of Aller G-3 capsules and takes colostrum capsules daily to build her immune system. She is now completely itch free!! The Aller G-3 fish oil capsules and colostrum can be bought online, are not expensive, and we will continue them forever. She is such a happy girl now that she is feeling great and her fur that was so thin and torn from her biting is now dense, thick and gorgeous. The vet said it would take about a month for us to see the result of the fish oil capsules & colostrum, but now she has been taking it for about 90 days and we are amazed at how wonderful she looks and feels.

Our female Landseer was scratching and chewing her fur constantly from allergies until our vet finally put her on one cycle of prednisone and a 21 day antibiotic prescription of clavamox. (Some of the itching may have been bacterial after the original allergy irritation.) She also takes fish oil daily in the form of Aller G-3 capsules and takes colostrum capsules daily to build her immune system. She is now completely itch free!! The Aller G-3 fish oil capsules and colostrum can be bought online, are not expensive, and we will continue them forever. She is such a happy girl now that she is feeling great and her fur that was so thin and torn from her biting is now dense, thick and gorgeous. The vet said it would take about a month for us to see the result of the fish oil capsules & colostrum, but now she has been taking it for about 90 days and we are amazed at how wonderful she looks and feels. She is eating only lamb & rice anti-allergy food and we are not supposed to bathe her for a while, even in oatmeal baths, because that was adding to her irritation. Her skin had been red and blotchy too. She is now going on 7 months old and we will continue the lamb and rice anti-allergy food, the fish oil and colostrum the rest of her life.

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