Weimaraner Q&A

I know they are not the perfect dog for the heat, but do you think they can tollerate it? I live in Phoenix. Can you keep their coat short in the summer? I really want one but am reluctant to get one because of their love for cooler climates.

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Answers (5)

We have a Landseer in Atlanta GA and she seems to do fine, although she is an indoor dog, and we keep a baby pool filled with water for her to play in when she is outside. Don't shave the dog, but keep the coat brushed with a pin brush (weekly at least!) and I recommend using a furminator rake for clearing out the excess undercoat that sheds. This is more important in warmer climates because having the excess shedding hair next to the skin can cause hot spots and dead spots in the coat. Use a dry shampoo as needed and you'll be good to go. Bathe monthly with an oatmeal shampoo and rinse thoroughly. They really are great indoor dogs with low low energy levels in the house. Living in AZ should not keep you from being loved by a Newfie:)

I have a small kid pool for my newfie that he loves to walk in all summer and he buries his head in the water, its funny to watch and he enjoys it. I also cut his hair shorter in the summer but I dont shave him. I leave five gallon buckets of water out for him to drink and enjoys that too. he is very spoiled. We live in Wisconsin so its only hot in the summer but it gets pretty warm. He also enjoys the hose if its not on full blast he likes to be sprayed with the mist on the hose.

I have a small kid pool for my newfie that he loves to walk in all summer and he buries his head in the water, its funny to watch and he enjoys it. I also cut his hair shorter in the summer but I dont shave him. I leave five gallon buckets of water out for him to drink and enjoys that too. he is very spoiled. We live in Wisconsin so its only hot in the summer but it gets pretty warm. He also enjoys the hose if its not on full blast he likes to be sprayed with the mist on the hose.

I have a small kid pool for my newfie that he loves to walk in all summer and he buries his head in the water, its funny to watch and he enjoys it. I also cut his hair shorter in the summer but I dont shave him. I leave five gallon buckets of water out for him to drink and enjoys that too. he is very spoiled. We live in Wisconsin so its only hot in the summer but it gets pretty warm. He also enjoys the hose if its not on full blast he likes to be sprayed with the mist on the hose.

We live in New Mexico. We are hot and dry climate in the summer. My daughter shows our Annie Oakley. When she isnt showing she is playing in the kiddie pool. When we practice and excercise her it has to be in the evenings when its cool. She is definately an inside dog. This is how we keep her coat in perfect condition. We brush her with a long hard pin brush first,then we use a greyhound comb (large) This is done everyday. If you do it everyday it only takes about 15 minutes. I do not use dry shampoo. If you keep your newfie brushed out the coat will stay clean, dry and matt free. DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER shave your newfoundland as it will strip the undercoat and medical issues can occur. I bath her the day before a show. Usually about every six weeks. I use an oatmeal based shampoo. Dont forget to clean their ears on a regular basis and trim nails also..I hope this helps

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