Weimaraner Q&A

My teenage daughter recently rescued a very abused and neglected a 6 month old Weimaraner that has a very large swollen bottom jaw. Has anyone has ever seen this in this breed?

Answer Question

Answers (6)

No! Get that puppy to the vet if its jaw gets really big it could cause her/him pain and it might not be able to eat!

Get the pup to a vet asap,jaw may be broken if pup was mistreated

Might want to have her teeth checked. My dog had a tooth problem and his whole mouth swelled because of it. Given antibiotics and he was fine. Eventually the tooth came out.

He could have an injury you should see you vet as soon as possible.

He could have an injury you should see you vet as soon as possible.

Absolutely NOT! Seek immediate Veterinarian care! Someone or something hit that dog!!!!

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