(Affenpinscher and Poodle mix) The Affenpoo, also known as Affendoodle, can come in various sizes due to the parent Poodle lineage. The Poodle comes in toy, miniature and standard sizes and plays an important role in the size of the Affenpoo.
add infoThe Affenpoo is a highly intelligent dog with a strong desire to please it\'s master. Since they are so intelligent, they require lots of mental stimulation. They are usually quite friendly and require much affection. This breed of dog will tend to be protective of it\'s family.
add infoThe Affenpoo can have issues with Patellar Luxation, Hip Dysplasia, Addison\'s Disease and cataracts.
add infoThis designer breed was introduced in the United States in the 1990\'s. Crossing a Affenpinscher with a Poodle created the Affenpoo. The Affenpinscher was originally bred as a rodent catcher, while the Poodle was used for water fowl retrieval.
add infoShedding shouldn\'t be an issue with this type of dog, but regular grooming to avoid matting will be necessary. Attention to the ears will be important due to the floppy ears which can trap dirt and debris.
add infoThe Affenpoo will do well romping in the yard, but should be kept indoors at night and when leaving. Lots of stimulating toys are in order.
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