Ba-shars can be stubborn but extremely affectionate and loyal. They are very smart and learn quickly. They need a firm master with patient training. They do well with other dogs and animals if properly socialized from birth.
They have good health generally. They shouldn’t be left out in the heat. They are energetic when young. Soy products will dry out their fur and should be avoided. Some owners use conditioner twice a month and add omega vitamins to their diet.
They need brushing at least once a week to keep their skin stimulated. Most owners choose to give their dog a good balanced diet and extra omega oils for their skin and coat.
They are active when young and will need sufficient exercise. They like chewing on toys and bones when young. Some owners strategically place bones throughout the house to prevent furniture chewing.
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Happy go lucky,,loves people,other dogs,likes to run,jump,play,but is an excellent watchdog too.Great companion dog for people and other pets.Could be a little rough around small children when a pup,but all in fun.Not moody-ALWAYS Happy!
Age :
12 months
Hedley has long legs and curly tail. His ears are short and he has black spots on his tongue. His coat is soft except for the dark reddish brown stripe down his back, it's texture is coarse.His belly is almost white. He's very loving and super smart.