The Corillon is a cross between a Papillon and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. This designer dog is small and somewhat sturdy. He\'ll have stand up ears covered by long strands of hair. His colors will most likely be more than one color, sometimes even three colors.
add infoThe Corillon is a sensitive canine. He is happiest when he is with his family. He may bark a bit, but it shouldn\'t be too much so as to become an issue. His energy levels along with his intelligence rank on the higher end of the scale. With this in mind, exercise and mental stimulation are advised. He can be a bit delicate, so small children won\'t be a good idea, but older children will be a good match.
add infoThe Pembroke Welsh Corgi was developed by mixing Spitz breeds. Queen Elizabeth II has enjoyed the companionship of this little dog since the 30s. The Papillon got its name from the appearance of the upright ear with feathery silky hair. Their ears resemble a butterfly which is the translation for Papillon.
add infoThe Corillon can shed quite a bit, so if the coat is long, daily brushing may be in order. Keep the ears clean and dry.
add infoThis hybrid will do well in an apartment provided he gets his needed exercise. He will run around the house, but discourage leaping off of furniture, etc as his bone structure is delicate. If he takes on the parent breed Papillon more than the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, he will prefer a warmer climate.
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