Atlas Terrier Information

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Atlas Terriers are direct descendants of the Jack Russell Terrier. One distinguishing difference between the two breeds is the fact that Atlas Terriers can exist with a solid-colored coat. Atlas Terriers have a coat that may be a variety of different colors, including merles and brindles. They may also have white markings on their collars, toes, face, or chest. The two types of Atlas Terrier coats are smooth and wire. In terms of bodily structure, the Atlas Terrier is athletic, fast, and agile. This breed has a broad, pliable chest and powerful, properly-angulated limbs. Their muscular neck is proportionately long, and their body is tapered. Atlas Terriers have a skull that is flat between the ears, and a stop that is gradual and well-defined. Their almond-shaped eyes exist in a rainbow of colors from brown, amber, yellow, or hazel to green, blue, or pale gray. They have a pair of v-shaped ears that fold forward and a tail that may or may not be docked.

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Atlas Terriers are similar to Jack Russell Terriers in that they are mischievous, outgoing, friendly, and affectionate. They have a childlike demeanor and are full of energy and spirit. This breed loves to play games and responds well to obedience training. They are a highly intelligent breed that is full of curiosity and playful competitiveness. They will constantly try to outsmart their owners and test boundaries. When properly socialized, Atlas Terriers get along well with children. They are not an aggressive breed, but they do not like to be reckoned with. If an Atlas Terrier feels threatened, he will stand his ground. Proper socialization will help Atlas Terriers feel more comfortable around strangers and other pets. This breed loves to explore, dig, and has a propensity to bark. Atlas Terriers make excellent pets, but they require an owner who is firm and dedicated.

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9 – 15 inches
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6 – 18 pounds
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General Health

The selective and controlled breeding program of Atlas Terriers has prevented the onset of any significant health concerns. They are a long-lived breed, typically living for more than 15 years.

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Atlas Terriers are an off shoot of the Jack Russell Terrier. The Jack Russell Terrier is the result of many different terrier breeds being crossed together. Breeders created the Jack Russell Terrier for their working abilities and paid little attention to their looks. Throughout history, more and more people have bred dogs for cosmetic reasons as opposed to their original working purpose(s). The Jack Russell Terrier is a perfect example of this concept. Contemporary breeders attempted to breed the Jack Russell Terrier into a mostly white dog, and they regarded the multi-colored specimens as non-breedable. Unfortunately, the gene that causes the mostly white coloration has led certain Jack Russell Terriers to become deaf. The coloration of the Atlas Terrier greatly reduces its chance of deafness.

The Jack Russell Terrier is bred to be 51% for visibility purposes in the field, predominantly brown or black dog is much more difficult to spot. The true reason that brindle and merle are not acceptable in the breed standard is that they are evidence of "foreign blood". All predominantly white dogs carry the gene for deafness but responsible JRTCA/JRTCC breeders have their breeding stock and puppies BAER tested to ensure that only dogs with full hearing are used to perpetuate the breed. The "Atlas Terrier" was created through a tight line breeding program which in and of itself leads to a variety of congenital defects much more severe than hearing loss.

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Atlas Terriers exist in two coat varieties: smooth and wire. Both of these coats are easy to groom and take care of. Brushing and shampooing as needed are sufficient methods of keeping an Atlas Terrier’s coat in good condition and reducing shedding.

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Ideal Environment

Atlas Terriers will do well in a small household or apartment if they are sufficiently exercised. They are very active indoors and are happiest with at lease an average-sized yard. This breed needs constant supervision and company when left inside. Atlas Terriers enjoy active sports as they are a very agile breed. They need plenty of outdoor exercise and mental exercise on a daily basis.

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Atlas Terrier Q&A

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I have had some difficulties finding any atlas terrier breeders. I have a PRT currently, and would like to have a darker colored dog that looks similar to her. if anyone can help, please do.

There are only 3 breeders in the US, You can have better luck in Europe if you find breeders of working type terriers, of which many still cross the white and solid colored dogs.

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