German Shorthaired Pointer Information

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(German Short-haired Pointing Dog, Deutsch Kurzhaar) The German Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile, all-purpose hunter and gun dog with an overall appearance of aristocracy, balance, power, and agility. They have a medium-sized, symmetrical build and an intelligent, animated expression. Ideally, dogs of this breed appear noble, coordinated, and capable. Bone structure of this breed is in direct proportion to the size of the dog’s body. The neck slopes downward in a graceful curve, and its length allows the dog to reach with its jaws to retrieve game. They have a deep chest that reaches down to the elbows and a short, strong, straight back with a slight rise from the tail root to the withers. Their strong loin is of moderate length and their broad hips are wide-set. Tails of this breed are high-set and firm, and they are customarily docked to 40% of their original length. They have sloping, mobile, well-muscled shoulders with blades that lie flat and are well laid back. Their upper arms are long and their elbows stand away from their body. Their thickly padded feet are close-knit, compact, and round- or spoon-shaped. They have muscular thighs and bent stifles, and their hock joints are angulated and sturdy. The head of the German Shorthaired Pointer is clean-cut and well-proportioned. Their skull is comparatively broad, slightly rounded, and arched on the sides. Muzzles of this breed are long enough to enable the dog to properly seize game. Depth of the muzzle is in proportion to the length of the dog’s skull. Their jaws are powerful and their strong, healthy teeth close in a scissors bite. They have medium-sized, almond-shaped eyes that are usually dark brown in color. Ears of this breed are high-set, broad, and lie flat against the dog’s head. Their nose is brown, large, and features broad, open nostrils. The short-haired coat of the German Shorthaired Pointer is thick, rough, and longer on the underside of the dog’s tail and the back edges of the dog’s haunches. Coat colors of this breed include solid liver or a combination of white and liver.

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They can be black and white. This color is more common in Germany than the USA.

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The German Shorthaired Pointer is energetic, intelligent, cheerful. They constantly aim to please, and they love all of their family members equally. They are good with children and they are happiest when spending time in the company of people. If properly exercised, this breed makes an outstanding companion. Males of this breed tend to be more outgoing and aggressive, while females tend to be less dominant. Energy levels are likely to vary between specimens. Despite the fact that they are hunting dogs by nature, the German Shorthaired Pointer is generally good with cats and other dogs. This breed likes to bark, and they are sometimes leery of strangers.

This breed must be supervised with young children. They are not aggressive with children but may be clumsy and knock them over. They have an excellent temperament and will show respect to every member of the family.

Some may see cats as prey unless they are properly socialized from birth. Their prey drive is very strong and includes cats, squirrels and birds. They love a chase.

Though the German Shorthaired Pointer is a great family pet, they are not always friendly to other dogs and tend to be a solitary animal. It is important that you socialize this breed from birth with as many other dogs and people as possible for a well adjusted dog.

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21 – 25 inches
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45 – 70 pounds
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General Health

While the German Shorthaired Pointer is a comparatively healthy breed, some lines are prone to epilepsy, lymphedema, and hermaphrodism. Minor health concerns are entropion, gastric torsion, VWD, pannus, OCD, and CHD. This breed typically lives for 12 to 15 years.

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German hunters of the nineteenth century were in need of a versatile hunting dog that possessed a keen sense of smell and outstanding pointing and tracking abilities. In order to achieve this result, the Germans incorporated the Old Spanish Pointer, the Foxhound, the English Pointer, and a variety of hounds from St. Hubert into their breeding. The contemporary German Shorthaired Pointer is the product of the efforts of these German hunters. The German Shorthaired Pointer is an all-purpose gun dog that is capable of performing very well on land and in water. They are excellent retrievers, good companions, and they require little training. They are successful in the show ring, obedience and tracking trials, hunting tests, and field trials.

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The German Shorthaired Pointer has a smooth coat that is easy to groom and take care of. It should be brushed regularly with a firm bristle brush and bathed only as necessary. Rubbing the coat with a towel or chamois will leave it gleaming. The feet and ears of this breed should be checked frequently, and the coat should be thoroughly dried to prevent the onset of a chill. The German Shorthaired Pointer is an average shedder.

This breed is known to shed very little.

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Ideal Environment

The German Shorthaired Pointer is not recommended for life in a small household or apartment. They are most content to live with an athletic family and at least a large-sized yard. They are well-suited to most climatic conditions. Exercise is of the utmost importance for this breed.

It is very important to remember that the German Shorthaired Pointer was bred to hunt and work. They enjoy being active and have a large amount of energy. Plenty of exercise is required.

This breed loves to have a job to do and to work. If they are under-exercised, they may become anxious and neurotic. This breed loves to exercise.

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German Shorthaired Pointer Q&A

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When do puppies start to show signs of their tick markings?

You can see evidence of where their ticking will be almost as soon as they are dry after birth. The skin underneath the white hair will be colored more darkly in the areas that will have ticking. Over the first couple of weeks after birth it will continue to be more obvious.


I do not have a shorthaired pointer yet, but am planning to get one. I would like to know how much you feed them?

For a 3-5 month old puppy, 10 lbs a /every two weeks. They eat fast. Keep up with the growth!


Is it okay to give a homemade supplement made with dry dog food, cream cheese, peanut butter, corn oil, cottage cheese and browned hamburger meat to an elderly GSP that needs to gain a small amount of weight? I just wanted to check the ingredients list-before feeding it to him.

Skip the peanut butter, and do peanut oil. About a TBS a day. It doesn't have the sugar that the butter does, and has more fat per serving. It has helped with my 11 month old pup. If you are wanting to mix and match foods just be sure you don't mix raw with cooked. ie. raw eggs with say the cooked burger. The kibble digest much slower than raw. Then you can wind up with a bacteria problem like salmonella. Green beans and cut up potato make great filler also.


How much exercise should a 9 week old puppy GSP get? Can they go for short walks, or should they stick to running in the yard?

when they get tired, they'll stop running


How much do they shed? low, medium or high?

I have a 6 month old female and i try not to wear black or white. because she is very small for her age and thinks shes a lap dog. maybe its just my dog but i would say medium. She sheds alot more when you give her a bath.. its really not that bad tho. you know cuz all dogs shed. gsp's just shed more regularly. but its worth it!!


Will a GSP hunt rabbit...

Yes and anything else! Quail, ducks, deer, everything.


I don't have a GSP yet and am considering getting one. I live an active lifestyle on weekends (hunting hiking etc). During the week however I work 8 hrs a day and would have to leave the dog at home. I would only be able to let it run in local fields and walk it for an hour or so Mon-Fri. Would this be O.K. for the average GSP?

If u walk the dog everyday and excercise him a lot on weekends he should be fine. we live in an apt (until we find a house) and our puppy does ok. If u leave him in the crate a lot or don't take him out u will not get minute of peace so make sure u have the time.


How long do they carry their pups?

They carry for approx 63 days


My dog is 13 this year and looking thin but eating well just weighed her she is 20.25kg/44.7lbs and 23 inches tall is this okay?

She sounds like she is in perfect weight. Has she unexpectedly lost weight? That would concern me. Bring her to your vet for a checkup and have him/her compare her weight to the previous records and make sure you get a stool sample tested and a SNAP test for heartworm, erlichla and anaplasmosis.


how much should a gsp weigh at 12 weeks?

about 7 pounds

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